El Parnaso Hyspano

El Parnaso Hyspano is an international chamber group of singers and instrumentalists dedicated to the performance of early Hispanic music, ranging from the medieval to the baroque and early classical. Their repertoire encompasses Iberia and Latin America. In this time there was a wealth of musical creativity in the major cultural and religious centres, particularly in what afterwards became Bolivia and Peru, the richest viceroyalties of South America. Much of this music is only now being recently rediscovered and published for contemporary performance, and the group showcases the richness of the Hispanic musical legacy of the Americas. They help to make known music written in native American languages, such as Quechua, Guarani, Nahuatl as well as Mochica and Chiquitano, extinct languages.

The ensemble is the artistic vision of its founder Rafael Montero, begun in Cologne in 2016, and since 2020 involving professional musicians based in London, but with international heritage, bringing not only musical but cultural enrichment, contributing to a multicultural dialogue, from a uniquely informed perspective because Rafael Montero is a descendent of the people who were performing and co-creating this music. The group has a mission to discover and showcase the music that has come from the indigenous people and mestizos of the continent. In this time of postcolonialism they bring an authentic voice from the minorities from Latin America.

They have established collaborations with major artistic and cultural partners including the London-based company "Border Crossings" that works across the borders between cultures and art forms, and the Lisbon-based Casa da AmericaLatina dedicated to the promotion of Latin American culture in Portugal.

The core members of the ensemble are the instrumentalists Pablo Tejedor-Gutierrez (baroque cello and gamba), Fabio Fernandes (baroque guitar and theorbo), Johnny F Rodriguez (Andean wind and percussion), Katarzyna Kowalik (keyboards); and singers Kate Smith (soprano), Biraj Barkakaty (alto), Rafael Montero (tenor), and John Sloboda (bass). Recently the ensemble has also collaborated with Joana Praça and Edmund Taylor (violins).

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