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Lux Musicae London

Formed in 2014, Lux Musicae London is dedicated to exploring and recreating the performance practices that were developing across Europe in the 16th and early 17th centuries.
Artist Spotlight
In Conversation: Oliver Webber
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Sitting on a mountain terrace in Italy in the sun, with a large gin & tonic, a crossword and a book (or several), and absolutely no agenda!
What non-musical hobbies or interests do you have?
Languages – I love learning languages and learning about languages. If I had my student time again I might choose linguistics. For example I’ve been learning Italian for many years, and of course much of the repertoire we programme with Monteverdi String Band involves Italian texts. Recently I have started to unwind by watching dystopian Korean TV series, and became fascinated by the language to the point of trying to learn a few words – which is proving a significantly harder challenge!
What made you choose the violin?
My mother! One day our weekly shopping trip to Bury St Edmunds was subverted by a surprise visit to a Saturday morning music school, much to my initial outrage. However, it turned out that the violin suited me rather well. Had she asked me in advance, I would undoubtedly have refused to go, so her subterfuge was understandable!
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