Olwen Foulkes

Olwen founded Ensemble Augelletti in 2019 and has a deep love of chamber music playing. She has performed regularly on BBC Radio 3 and has worked with ensembles including London Handel Players, Academy of Ancient Music, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, the Royal Shakespeare Company, and La Serenissima.
Olwen is an Assistant Researcher for Handel&Hendrix House London and she is particularly interested in curating performances in partnership with specific collections. Recently collaborations include Handel&Hendrix House London, the Foundling Museum, the British Museum and the British Library. She has released two solo albums on Barn Cottage Records (Indoor Fireworks-2019, Directed by Handel -2018) to critical acclaim and is currently working on a PhD researching the practices of recorder players working in London between 1670-1730.
Olwen is an academic lecturer at the Royal Academy of Music, recorder teacher and baroque music coach at the Junior Department of Trinity Laban, and a classroom music teacher at the American School in London.
She graduated from RAM with a distinction and DipRam for her postgraduate degree in 2018.