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The Gonzaga Band

Alla Milanese

CD launch concert

Alla Milanese

continuo logoSupported by a grant from Continuo Foundation

Alla Milanese (‘in the Milanese style’) explores the connections between musicians at the heart of Milan’s scene for experimental music, c.1592-1626. Alongside compositions from the city’s most illustrious musical families – Rognoni and Cima – The Gonzaga Band has sought to rediscover the music of their lesser-known contemporaries, including Buimi, Casato, and the nun-composer Caterina Assandra, to illuminate a rich and complex network of stylistic innovation at the dawn of the Baroque era.

  • date Thu, 16 February 2023
  • location Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, 200 Jennens Rd, Birmingham B4 7XR, UK
  • time 6:00pm
  • ticket £10 (£8)

Full Event Details

Alla Milanese (‘in the Milanese style’) explores the connections between musicians at the heart of Milan’s scene for experimental music, c.1592-1626. Alongside compositions from the city’s most illustrious musical families – Rognoni and Cima – The Gonzaga Band has sought to rediscover the music of their lesser-known contemporaries, including Buimi, Casato, and the nun-composer Caterina Assandra, to illuminate a rich and complex network of stylistic innovation at the dawn of the Baroque era.

Venue Details & Map


Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, 200 Jennens Rd, Birmingham B4 7XR, UK
Jennens Road, Birmingham, B4 7XR, United Kingdom

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