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Arculo Consort of Viols

Lenten Reflection

Buxtehude Membra Jesu Nostri

Nottingham Cathedral
Lenten Reflection
A concert of Lenten music featuring Deitrich Buxtehude's incredibly moving Membra Jesu Nostri, and excerpts from Pergolesi's Stabat Mater with the Cathedral Choir, Boys' Choir and Girls' Choir, accompanied by Arculo Consort, the youngest professional viol consort in the UK.

Get yourself ready for Holy Week with a beatiful evening of music in the Cathedral.

  • date Fri, 15 March 2024
  • location St Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham
  • time 7:00pm
  • ticket Premium ticket: £15.50, general admission: £12, student ticket £8, age 0-11: free

Full Event Details

A concert of Lenten music featuring Deitrich Buxtehude's incredibly moving Membra Jesu Nostri, and excerpts from Pergolesi's Stabat Mater with the Cathedral Choir, Boys' Choir and Girls' Choir, accompanied by Arculo Consort, the youngest professional viol consort in the UK.

Get yourself ready for Holy Week with a beatiful evening of music in the Cathedral.

Venue Details & Map


St Barnabas Cathedral, Nottingham
North Circus Street, Nottingham, NG1 5AE, United Kingdom

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