Bellot Ensemble
Monteverdi's Venetian Legacy
A celebration of the Italian music of the 16th and 17th centuries

Settimo libro de’ madrigali Sinfonia & Balletto
'Zefiro torna'
BIAGIO MARINI (1594-1663)
Sonata sopra ‘La Monica’ Improvised Canario
Op. 12 No. 22 Ballo detto Eccardo
'Amor dormiglione'
'Che si può fare'
La Calisto Sinfonia
‘La Bergamasca’
Op.1 No.12 ‘La follia’
Bellot Ensemble
Edmund Taylor Violin
Chris McClain Violin
Pablo Tejedor-Gutierrez Cello
Danny Murphy Theorbo
Matthew Brown Harpsichord
The group specialise in 16th and 17th century repertoire with research into written divisions and the contextual texts of the time. This practical research is always greatly influenced by our work with talented singers, in our regular collaborations with consorts, choirs and opera societies.
Bellot Ensemble has been selected as one four groups to take part in the Brighton Early Music Festival live scheme 2023/24. Bellot Ensemble is also working extensively with conductor and organist Nick Houghton performing varied repertoire with several Sussex Choral and Opera societies. We will be touring across the UK performing John Frederick Lampe’s “The Dragon of Wantley” with New Sussex Opera in 2024. The group has also been selected for the semifinal of the Loire Valley International Early Music Competition in 2024, and recently performed a programme of early 17th century Italian repertoire at the Utrecht Early Music Festival. We are also a Featured Artist in 2024 in the Overstrand Early Music Festival, and will be collaborating with Norwich Baroque for a concert alongside a production of Dido and Aeneas at the festival.
Bellot Ensemble has performed at such venues as St George's Hanover Square an the Chapel of St Peter and St Paul alongside notable conductors such as Ralph Allwood MBE. The ensemble has also performed the UK premier of the reconstructed Telemann cantata 'Erklingt Durch Gedoppelt Annehmliche Töne' as part of their residency at St. Mary-at-Hill in London.
New College Early Music Series
Thu, 16 May 2024
The New Space
£18, concessions £8
Full Event Details
The second recital in the series presents the Bellot Ensemble and their programme Monteverdi's Venetian Legacy
Settimo libro de’ madrigali Sinfonia & Balletto
'Zefiro torna'
BIAGIO MARINI (1594-1663)
Sonata sopra ‘La Monica’ Improvised Canario
Op. 12 No. 22 Ballo detto Eccardo
'Amor dormiglione'
'Che si può fare'
La Calisto Sinfonia
‘La Bergamasca’
Op.1 No.12 ‘La follia’
Bellot Ensemble
Edmund Taylor Violin
Chris McClain Violin
Pablo Tejedor-Gutierrez Cello
Danny Murphy Theorbo
Matthew Brown Harpsichord
The group specialise in 16th and 17th century repertoire with research into written divisions and the contextual texts of the time. This practical research is always greatly influenced by our work with talented singers, in our regular collaborations with consorts, choirs and opera societies.
Bellot Ensemble has been selected as one four groups to take part in the Brighton Early Music Festival live scheme 2023/24. Bellot Ensemble is also working extensively with conductor and organist Nick Houghton performing varied repertoire with several Sussex Choral and Opera societies. We will be touring across the UK performing John Frederick Lampe’s “The Dragon of Wantley” with New Sussex Opera in 2024. The group has also been selected for the semifinal of the Loire Valley International Early Music Competition in 2024, and recently performed a programme of early 17th century Italian repertoire at the Utrecht Early Music Festival. We are also a Featured Artist in 2024 in the Overstrand Early Music Festival, and will be collaborating with Norwich Baroque for a concert alongside a production of Dido and Aeneas at the festival.
Bellot Ensemble has performed at such venues as St George's Hanover Square an the Chapel of St Peter and St Paul alongside notable conductors such as Ralph Allwood MBE. The ensemble has also performed the UK premier of the reconstructed Telemann cantata 'Erklingt Durch Gedoppelt Annehmliche Töne' as part of their residency at St. Mary-at-Hill in London.
Venue Details & Map
The New Space
Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3TE, United Kingdom