Handel and Bach
Rowan Pierce (soprano)

Sherborne Abbey Festival
Fri, 2 May 2025
Sherborne Abbey
£30, £25, £15, £10
- ➕2 other performances
Full Event Details
This highlight Festival concert opens with Bach’s First Orchestral Suite – an immensely popular genre in the late 18th century, playing on the dance forms of the day. Handel follows: the charming pastoral air ‘Sweet Bird’ and the alternately stately and lively Third concerto grosso of his op.3 set. Finally, Bach’s sublime secular cantata Ich bin in mir vergnugt professes that the greatest riches are to be found not outside of ourselves but within.
Venue Details & Map
Sherborne Abbey
Abbey Cl, Sherborne DT9 3LQ
Other performances
In addition to the performance listed above, this concert will also be performed as follows:
Handel and Bach
Thu, 1 May 2025
Firth Hall, Sheffield
£10 - £17
Handel and Bach
Fri, 23 May 2025
St Mary's Church, Beverley
Front Nave £35 | Rear Nave & Side Aisles £30 (£28 conc)
Beverley & East Riding Early Music Festival