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Ben Knight

Handel - Giving London Something to Sing About

A Lecture - Recital with Ben Knight

Handel - Giving London Something to Sing About

We are thrilled to be inviting Ben Knight, a British bass-baritone, for a special event this September. Ben will be presenting a 45mins curated lecture - recital. Handel faced problems bringing Italian Opera to London. This lecture will explore what these problems were and highlight what he did to solve them and win over the London audiences. Ben will be drawing musical examples from Rinaldo, Acis and Galetea and other operas.

  • Handel Hendrix House
  • Mon 2 September 2024
  • Handel Hendrix House
  • 6:30pm
  • Β£25

Handel Hendrix House
25 Brook Street, Mayfair, London

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