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Robert Smith & Nicolas Achten

The Art of Variation

The Art of Variation

Olde English Variation Set
Woodycock Anon
Amarili mia Bella after Caccini
Robin is to the Greenwood Gone Anon
Miserere my maker Anon

Hume Set
Captaine Humes Galliard Tobias Hume
What Greatest Grief Tobias Hume
The Early of Pembrooke his Galliard Tobias Hume
Fain would I change that note Tobias Hume

Division in G John Jenkins

New work Matijs de Roo

Diversitez sur un sujet de Basse donné par un Étranger, from ‘Basse-continuës des pieces a une et a deaux violes’, 1689 Marin Marais

Alfonso Waye Set (scordatura)
Come live with me and be my love William Corkine
The Punckes delight William Corkine
Whoope doe me no harme good man William Corkine


St Michael & All Angels Church, Blackheath
1 Pond Road, Blackheath, SE3 9JL

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