The Binchois Consort
The Afterlife of Guillaume Du Fay
"In the Midst of Death there is Life"

Matthew Farrell, Tom Lilburn (alto), Dominic Bland, Tom Castle, Nick Madden, George Pooley (tenor), with Jamie Savan (slide trumpet), and Andrew Kirkman (conductor)
Apostolo glorioso,
Early Agnus Dei,
Missa Resvellies vous, Gloria,
Rite majorem Jacobum canamus,
Mass of Saint Anthony of Padua, Gloria,
Balsamus et munda cera,
Easter Gloria-Credo,
Ave regina celorum,
Missa Ave regina celorum, Agnus Dei
Keble Early Music Festival
Wed 21 February 2024
Keble College Chapel, Oxford
£35/£25/£10 students
Full Event Details
Join the award-winning Binchois Consort in the glorious surroundings of Keble College Chapel for a spectacular celebration of 550 years of the Afterlife of Guillaume Du Fay.
Matthew Farrell, Tom Lilburn (alto), Dominic Bland, Tom Castle, Nick Madden, George Pooley (tenor), with Jamie Savan (slide trumpet), and Andrew Kirkman (conductor)
Apostolo glorioso,
Early Agnus Dei,
Missa Resvellies vous, Gloria,
Rite majorem Jacobum canamus,
Mass of Saint Anthony of Padua, Gloria,
Balsamus et munda cera,
Easter Gloria-Credo,
Ave regina celorum,
Missa Ave regina celorum, Agnus Dei
Venue Details & Map
Keble College Chapel, Oxford
Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QP, United Kingdom