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Monteverdi String Band

The Madrigal Reimagined

Hannah Ely (Soprano), Toby Carr (Lute & Theorbo)
The Madrigal Reimagined

The Monteverdi String Band return with a fascinating programme that explores the blossoming and transformation of the Italian madrigal as reflected in diverse settings from solo voice and lute to a full string band. We will discover every facet of the madrigal’s transformative journey from gentle part song to one of the dramatic cornerstones of opera.

Monteverdi’s powerfully poignant settings nestle with virtuosic ornamental reworkings of madrigals, instrumental preludes, and canzonas by Rore, Palestrina, Bovicelli, and Caccini to create miniature scenes, framed by short, topical readings from the worlds of music, dance and theatre.

Hannah Ely soprano
Toby Carr lute & theorbo
Oliver Webber and Theresa Caudle violins
Wendi Kelly and David Brooker violas
Mark Caudle bass violin

‘Behind the Music’ FREE pre-concert talk: 6.45pm


St Mary's Church, Warwick
St Mary's Church, Warwick

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