The Vauxhall Band
The Vauxhall Band Basset Horn Trio
The Vauxhall Band
Sarah Thurlow, Katherine Spencer and Fiona Mitchell

Supported by a grant from Continuo Foundation
Possibly for the first time in 232 years!
W.A. Mozart – Divertimento ‘The Marriage of Figaro’ arr. for three Basset Horns
Georg Druschetzky – Divertissement
Vojtěch Nudera – Polonaises
W.A. Mozart – Divertimento No.1 in C
Christoph Graupner – Suite No.1
James Waterson – Second Grand Trio Concertante
Basset Horns, Clarinets and Chalumeaux - Sarah Thurlow, Katherine Spencer and Fiona Mitchell.
The Vauxhall Band Basset Horn Trio perform basset horn, clarinet and chalumeaux works by W.A. Mozart, Georg Druschetzky, Vojtěch Nudera, Christoph Graupner and James Waterson.
A wooden, single reed wind instrument, closely related to the clarinet, the basset horn was mostly heard in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in Austria and Germany, with historical evidence dating the earliest known instruments to the 1760’s.
When Czech musicians Messrs Dworschak, David and Springer first came to London in 1791 and performed at Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens as a Basset Horn Trio, the instrument was relatively new to London. These mysterious and unusual sounding instruments with their colourful, earthy tones created great interest. The trio also performed in the Vauxhall Band on the clarinet.
The Vauxhall Band Basset Horn Trio will explore the repertoire that the original trio may have performed and the fascinating journey of the development of the instrument and its arrival into London.
Sat, 9 September 2023
Tea House Theatre, London
- ➕1 other performance
Full Event Details
The return of the Basset Horn Trio to Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens.
Possibly for the first time in 232 years!
W.A. Mozart – Divertimento ‘The Marriage of Figaro’ arr. for three Basset Horns
Georg Druschetzky – Divertissement
Vojtěch Nudera – Polonaises
W.A. Mozart – Divertimento No.1 in C
Christoph Graupner – Suite No.1
James Waterson – Second Grand Trio Concertante
Basset Horns, Clarinets and Chalumeaux - Sarah Thurlow, Katherine Spencer and Fiona Mitchell.
The Vauxhall Band Basset Horn Trio perform basset horn, clarinet and chalumeaux works by W.A. Mozart, Georg Druschetzky, Vojtěch Nudera, Christoph Graupner and James Waterson.
A wooden, single reed wind instrument, closely related to the clarinet, the basset horn was mostly heard in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in Austria and Germany, with historical evidence dating the earliest known instruments to the 1760’s.
When Czech musicians Messrs Dworschak, David and Springer first came to London in 1791 and performed at Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens as a Basset Horn Trio, the instrument was relatively new to London. These mysterious and unusual sounding instruments with their colourful, earthy tones created great interest. The trio also performed in the Vauxhall Band on the clarinet.
The Vauxhall Band Basset Horn Trio will explore the repertoire that the original trio may have performed and the fascinating journey of the development of the instrument and its arrival into London.
Venue Details & Map
Tea House Theatre, London
Vauxhall Walk, London, SE11 5HL, United Kingdom
Other performances
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