Jewels of the French Baroque
Grace, elegance, cultural identity
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This playlist explores the jewels of French Baroque music, from well-known names such as Rameau and Lully, to rarely-heard gems by lesser known composers. It provides glimpses into the elegant and graceful world of 17th Century Paris.
The selection of tracks delves into the sound worlds of unusual instruments which were popular in France at the time. Hear the enchanting sound of the Pardessus de Viol - the Woman's violin and the highest member of the viol family in music by Jean Barrière, Louis de Caix d'Hervelois and others. Explore the charming sound of the musette - raised to 'high art' status by King Louis XIV - in a recording by Baroque in the North of music by Hotteterre and Chédeville.
Listen below or on Continuo Connect's Spotify playlist.
M.A Charpentier: Acteon, H.481, Scene I: 'Allons, marchons, courons'
Les Arts Florissants, William Christie
Jean Barrière: Sonate IV en sol majeur: I. Adagio
Mélisande Corriveau, Eric Milnes
François Couperin: Concerts Royaux, Deuxieme Concert in D Major: IV. Air contrefugué
Jean Baptiste Lully: Psyché, LWV 56, Prélude pour les trompettes
Les Arts Florissants, William Christie
Georg Philipp Telemann: Sonata à 4 in A Major, TWV 43:A1: III. Andante
Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre: Cantates Français, Deuxième cantate: "L'isle de Delos": Symphonie
Ensemble des Idées heureuses, Geneviève Soly
M.A Charpentier: Acteon, H.481, Scene V: Jamais troupe de chasseurs
Les Arts Florissants, William Christie
M.R Delalande: Symphonies pour les Soupers du Roy, Première Suite (arr. for ensemble by Satoko Doi-Luck)
Louis de Caix d'Hervelois: Suite en ré mineur: III. La Légèreté
Mélisande Corriveau, Eric Milnes
J.S Bach: French Suite No.1 in D Minor, BWV 812: II. Courante
Richard Egarr
Anonymous: Ballet Royal de la nuit (Arr. for ensemble by Sakoto Doi-Luck): I. Overture
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Pygmalion, RT 52: Act I: Tambourin (fort et vite)
Les Arts Florissants, William Christie, Howard Crook
Charles Dollé: Pièce tirée de l'œuvre Ive: Les Regrets. Affecteusement
Mélisande Corriveau, Eric Milnes
Jean Baur: Cello Sonata in G Minor, Op.1 No.4: IV. Allegro
Elinor Frey, Antoine Malette-Chénier, Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde, Mélisande Mcabney
Jean de Cambefort: Ballet Royal de la Nuit: Récit de la Nuit: "Languissante clarté, cachez-vous dessous l'onde"
Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre: Trio Sonata No.1 in G Minor: VIII. Becarre Allegro. Bemol
Infusion Baroque
Marin Marais: Pièces en Trio: "Trios pour le coucher du Roy", Suite in G Minor: III Sarabande I
Jean Hotteterre: Pièces pour la Muzette: I. Marche des Bergers
Amanda Babington, Claire Babington, David J. Smith
Georg Philipp Telemann: Sonata à 4 in G Minor, TWV 43: g1: II. Allegro
Joseph Bodin de Boismoitier: Deuxième sonate en sol mineur: IV. Gigue
Mélisande Corriveau, Eric Milnes
J.S Bach: French Suite No.5 in G Major, BWV 816: V. Bourée
Richard Egarr
Jacques Hotteterre: Suite in D Major, Op.5 No.3: V. Gigue
Camerata Köln, Michael Schneider
Jean Baur: Cello Sonata in Bb Major, Op.2 No.2, "La Dupleïx": II. Adagio Amoroso
Elinor Frey, Octavie Dostaler-Lalonde, Mélisande Mcabney
Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre: Violin Sonata No.1 in D Minor: I. Adagio
Lina Tur Bonet, Patxi Montero, Kenneth Weiss
Nicolas Chédeville: Les Deffis: I. L'Italienne
Amanda Babington, Claire Babington, David J. Smith
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