Istante Collective

Haydn Expanded

Consone Quartet | Istante Collective

Istante Collective - Haydn Expanded

Supported by a grant from Continuo Foundation

Supported by Continuo Foundation

Arranging popular repertoire for a different scoring has always been common practice in music. A symphony turned into a piano duet or an aria into a string quartet, but almost never a Haydn quartet arranged as a nonet, as in this case by Paul Wranitzky (Haydn’s favourite Vienna Konzertmeister). We will enlarge the lens into the unusual pathway that Wranitzky followed to ‘colour’ and ‘re-imagine’ those Haydn masterpieces, together with music by Anton Wranitzky, F. Rosinack, W.A. Mozart & M. Haydn. Haydn's last, unfinished quartet will end the project together with an unusual original arrangement of ‘the chaos’ from The Creation.

A storyteller, a musicologist, and a Risio-printed visual guide will help the audience (and us!) to immerse themself in this full-experience and to enjoy Haydn’s music under a totally new point of view.

These performances are part of the Baroquestock festival.

  • 📅Wed 18 September 2024Sun 22 September 2024
  • 3 performances


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